Post by Dr J E HurleySadly the high level of spam continues - including many of the types
previously removed. I too am hoping that Paul manages to get this under
Spam is the bane of my life at the moment. It's getting quite unmanageable.
Not only is it putting a huge load on our servers (we're seriously
contemplating having to buy another server just to take some of the load
off), but it's also getting more sneaky in that it creaps past a lot of
spam filters.
My personal mail server (, which acts as a kind of test bed in
that I can fiddle about with it without risk of affecting anything Orpheus
related, completely died last week under the load. I then built a new one
from scratch and installed the very latest SpamAssassin and Exim on it, but
it's still getting hit with 1000's of emails per hour (imaging multiplying
that by 1000's and you'll get near the load on the Orpheus servers).
There also appear to be a number of Denial of Service (DoD) attacks from
the far east at the moment (whether or not that is anything to do with
censorship in China or not, I wouldn't like to speculate - see my weblog at for recent personal rants on that), so all servers
are getting hammered quite a bit at the moment.
Ideally, if I can fund a new server, that might take some of the load off
the main ones and perhaps dedicate one to spam filtering alone, but it does
annoy me that these spammers around the world can cost me thousands of
pounds just to get a server to filter stuff.
I wish there was a way of eliminating it totally, but without resorting to
small thermonuclear devices shoved somewhere the spammers might find
painful, it looks like it's going to be a long (and expensive) battle. :-(
If I was a bigger company with a lot more money to throw at the problem I'd
probably buy /three/ new servers and then each mail server would be
protected with it's own dedicate spam filter. :-)
However, I am battling on, so I hope people will bear with me - and you are
only seeing about 5% of the actual spam hitting the servers!