Intermittent web DNS fault
(too old to reply)
Paul Vigay
2007-06-20 13:53:55 UTC
I'm currently investigating a temporary fault in the DNS system which is
affecting some hosted websites.

Our primary DNS server is undergoing routine maintenance today. This should
not affect web hosting because we have built-in redundancy in two backup
DNS servers.

However, there's a small batch of domains which don't seem to have switched
to the backup automatically, so I'm currently investigating.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. The maintenance should
finish within the next 30 minutes anyway - but I shall continue to
investigate why the backup systems didn't handle a subset of websites.

Current status is available at http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/status/

Paul Vigay
2007-06-20 14:24:11 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. The maintenance
should finish within the next 30 minutes anyway - but I shall continue to
investigate why the backup systems didn't handle a subset of websites.
Maintenance is now complete.

We're investigating why DNS isn't working for a small number of domains....
Russell Hafter News
2007-06-20 15:12:06 UTC
In article
Post by Paul Vigay
I'm currently investigating a temporary fault in the DNS
system which is affecting some hosted websites.
Our primary DNS server is undergoing routine maintenance
today. This should not affect web hosting because we have
built-in redundancy in two backup DNS servers.
However, there's a small batch of domains which don't
seem to have switched to the backup automatically, so I'm
currently investigating.
Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. The
maintenance should finish within the next 30 minutes
anyway - but I shall continue to investigate why the
backup systems didn't handle a subset of websites.
Both my Orpheus hosted websites were unavailable from around
1300 (when I discovered the problem) until about 1545.

Usually I got error messages that the websites could not be
found, but on one occasion www.russell-hafter-holidays.co.uk
gave me the Orpheus homepage instead!!
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Holiday specialists for Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic

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