M15 Spam
(too old to reply)
Mr John FO Evans
2008-01-02 18:39:57 UTC
Cannot anybody stop this M15 rubbish?
_ _________________________________________
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Dr Peter Young
2008-01-02 20:24:07 UTC
Post by Mr John FO Evans
Cannot anybody stop this M15 rubbish?
If you'd use NewsHound instead of NewsAgent, lots of us could help
you! :-)

With best wishes,

Peter \ / zfc Er \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk.
Rod at Orpheusmail
2008-01-03 10:15:06 UTC
Post by Mr John FO Evans
Cannot anybody stop this M15 rubbish?
If you'd use NewsHound instead of NewsAgent, lots of us could help you! :-)
Ooo!! How please?
I haven't been able to work it out for myself!

Dr Peter Young
2008-01-04 10:27:29 UTC
Post by Rod at Orpheusmail
Post by Mr John FO Evans
Cannot anybody stop this M15 rubbish?
If you'd use NewsHound instead of NewsAgent, lots of us could help you! :-)
Ooo!! How please?
I haven't been able to work it out for myself!
Replied off-list.

With best wishes,

Peter \ / zfc Er \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk.
Paul Vigay
2008-01-02 21:38:09 UTC
Post by Mr John FO Evans
Cannot anybody stop this M15 rubbish?
I've issued another official complaint to the latest ISP being abused, and
I've just received confirmation from them tonight that they've terminated
his account.

In the meantime, I'm seeing if I can setup a filter on our server to
prevent any future ones getting through - but for some reason my regular
expression doesn't seem to be catching them.

If anyone knows regular expressions, I was trying to catch subject lines
with (M\WI\W5.*) which I thought should catch them, but it's not for some
reason! <scratches head>

Usenet replies: To contact me, visit http://www.vigay.com/feedback/

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Dr Peter Young
2008-01-02 22:38:32 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
Post by Mr John FO Evans
Cannot anybody stop this M15 rubbish?
I've issued another official complaint to the latest ISP being abused, and
I've just received confirmation from them tonight that they've terminated
his account.
This is excellent, but on the other hand, won't terminating his
accounts just serve to fuel his paranoia and make his attempts to find
new accounts more persistent? :-)

With best wishes,

Peter \ / zfc Er \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk.
Dave Plowman (News)
2008-01-02 23:05:55 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
In a dim and distant universe
Post by Mr John FO Evans
Cannot anybody stop this M15 rubbish?
I've issued another official complaint to the latest ISP being abused,
and I've just received confirmation from them tonight that they've
terminated his account.
This is excellent, but on the other hand, won't terminating his
accounts just serve to fuel his paranoia and make his attempts to find
new accounts more persistent? :-)
The originator of this MI5 rubbish is one Mike Corey and appears to be
genuinely ill. He's been posting about his beliefs for many a year. But
always stuck to the same titles and address so made it easy to block.
I've a feeling these posts aren't from him.
Post by Dr Peter Young
With best wishes,
*Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them *

Dave Plowman ***@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
Paul Vigay
2008-01-03 09:29:27 UTC
In a dim and distant universe <***@davenoise.co.uk>,
Dave Plowman (News) <***@davenoise.co.uk> enlightened us thusly:
[Snippety snip]
Post by Dave Plowman (News)
The originator of this MI5 rubbish is one Mike Corey and appears to be
genuinely ill. He's been posting about his beliefs for many a year. But
always stuck to the same titles and address so made it easy to block.
I've a feeling these posts aren't from him.
If some of them are genuine, then I feel sorry for the guy, and understand
his predicament - especially as (because of my 'conspiracy' websites and
research) I've interviewed a number of people who have genuinely been
"enemies of the state".

One such (terrible, IMHO) example, was the case of a young girl called
Kelly O'Brien, who was systematically abused by the US government - see the
original story on my website at

A simple Google search for "MK Ultra" will reveal a number of covert
CIA/MI5 'torture' projects in the past, so sadly things like this /do/ go
on. However, the newsgroup spammer is not really going about it in the
right way, if he genuinely wants sympathy or someone to support his cause.
Usenet replies: To contact me, visit http://www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - http://www.vigay.com/
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Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
Paul Vigay
2008-01-03 09:24:51 UTC
This is excellent, but on the other hand, won't terminating his accounts
just serve to fuel his paranoia and make his attempts to find new
accounts more persistent? :-)
Yes, but I shall continue complaining to the various sources. I can be
quite persistent if I want to be. :-)

I'm fairly used to complaining to various websites about their lack of
support for RISC OS browsers anyway. :-)

In fact, I may start a new section on my personal website, containing
templates for letters of complaint, because in recent months I've been
getting some success, so either I've perfected the art of writing a
successful complaint letter, or people are beginning to realise that
websites should be standards compliant. :-)
Usenet replies: To contact me, visit http://www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - http://www.vigay.com/
Share and discuss ideas or chat about the above - http://forum.vigay.com/
Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
Dr Peter Young
2008-01-03 10:06:16 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
This is excellent, but on the other hand, won't terminating his accounts
just serve to fuel his paranoia and make his attempts to find new
accounts more persistent? :-)
Yes, but I shall continue complaining to the various sources. I can be
quite persistent if I want to be. :-)
And more power to your elbow! I didn't want in the least to put you
off, but was just pointing out what might be an unwanted side-effect.

With best wishes,

Peter \ / zfc Er \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk.