Orpheus spam again.
(too old to reply)
Dr Peter Young
2010-07-28 06:54:20 UTC
Is anyone else still getting flooded with spam from Orpheus? I know
that Richard and Dan were onto it, but this morning I got 17 spam and
4 genuine messages; it's been similar on other mornings. I won't fuss
Richard about it unless others tell me the same is happening with

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Lu \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Alan Griffin
2010-07-28 15:27:50 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
Is anyone else still getting flooded with spam from Orpheus? I know
that Richard and Dan were onto it, but this morning I got 17 spam and
4 genuine messages; it's been similar on other mornings. I won't fuss
Richard about it unless others tell me the same is happening with
Yes. I got 76 spam yesterday, and have had 56 so far today.
It suddenly got a lot worse about a month ago, with dozens (literally)
about air conditioners.

Alan Griffin
Dr Peter Young
2010-07-29 07:06:52 UTC
Post by Alan Griffin
Post by Dr Peter Young
Is anyone else still getting flooded with spam from Orpheus? I know
that Richard and Dan were onto it, but this morning I got 17 spam and
4 genuine messages; it's been similar on other mornings. I won't fuss
Richard about it unless others tell me the same is happening with
Yes. I got 76 spam yesterday, and have had 56 so far today.
It suddenly got a lot worse about a month ago, with dozens (literally)
about air conditioners.
You have lot a lot worse than I have, then! No air conditioners here.
but lots of free cell-phones, courses on medical billing and so on.
See my reply to Ben, though!

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Lu \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Ben Crick
2010-07-28 18:09:23 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
Is anyone else still getting flooded with spam from Orpheus? I know
that Richard and Dan were onto it
Richard kindly phoned me on Monday and explained that most of this
commercial multi-Spam is coming from just a small number of servers.
He and Dan are looking at blocking these rogue servers altogether,
so that nothing from them will get through.

He said it would be Wednesday before we noticed an improvement.
Monday I had 127 Spam out of 194 downloaded.
Tuesday it was 69 Spam out of 74 downloaded.
Just now there were 43 Spam out of 50 downloaded.
So the Signal/Noise ratio is getting worse, not better.

Richard said that once my email address is known to the Spambot
harvesters, the only cure is to change my email address.
So this is what I shall most likely have to do.

_ __________________________________________
/ \._._ |_ _ _ /' Orpheus Internet Services
\_/| |_)| |(/_|_|_> / 'Internet for Everyone'
_______ | ___________./ http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk
Revd Ben Crick BA CF <ben.crick[at]argonet.co.uk> ZFC Ir
232 Canterbury Road, Birchington on sea, Kent CT7 9TD (UK)
Acorn RPC700 Kinetic RO 4.03 with Castle Iyonix RO 5.16 Ethernet
* God answers Knee-mail.
Dr Peter Young
2010-07-29 07:09:51 UTC
Post by Ben Crick
Post by Dr Peter Young
Is anyone else still getting flooded with spam from Orpheus? I know
that Richard and Dan were onto it
Richard kindly phoned me on Monday and explained that most of this
commercial multi-Spam is coming from just a small number of servers.
He and Dan are looking at blocking these rogue servers altogether,
so that nothing from them will get through.
I'm impressed by the way Richard gets back by phone for most queries;
even better than the much-missed Paul did.
Post by Ben Crick
He said it would be Wednesday before we noticed an improvement.
Monday I had 127 Spam out of 194 downloaded.
Tuesday it was 69 Spam out of 74 downloaded.
Just now there were 43 Spam out of 50 downloaded.
So the Signal/Noise ratio is getting worse, not better.
Well, only 11 spam this morning, so maybe something is working at
Post by Ben Crick
Richard said that once my email address is known to the Spambot
harvesters, the only cure is to change my email address.
So this is what I shall most likely have to do.
That seems a bit drastic. At least I can use the Hermes spam filter to
identify most of them, and I always do a "view mail on server" before
down loading, so I can keep them off this computer.

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Lu \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Rosemary Miskin
2010-07-29 18:22:03 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
That seems a bit drastic. At least I can use the Hermes spam filter to
identify most of them
I don't seem to be getting as much as you report, and Antispam catches most
of it - only 2 pieces actually downloaded this week!

Rosemary Miskin ZFC Sm ***@orpheusmail.co.uk
Loughborough, UK http://miskin.orpheusweb.co.uk
Dr Peter Young
2010-07-31 07:45:40 UTC
Post by Rosemary Miskin
Post by Dr Peter Young
That seems a bit drastic. At least I can use the Hermes spam filter to
identify most of them
I don't seem to be getting as much as you report, and Antispam catches most
of it - only 2 pieces actually downloaded this week!
You, and many others, are a lot more clever than I am! I tried
AntiSpam quite a long time ago, and could never make it do anything
useful. :-( The advantage to me of the Hermes spam filters is that I
am fully in control of the. FWIW, setting them to catch anything with
X-Orpheus-MailScanner-SpamScore of greater than 1 stops the vast
majority of them; as far as I know there haven't been any genuine
e-mails stopped. I also always look with Hermes's View Mail on server
before downloading, so that I know what's happening.

17 spam again this morning, so the problem evidently hasn't been

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Lu \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Tennant Stuart
2010-08-02 17:01:00 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
Post by Rosemary Miskin
Post by Dr Peter Young
That seems a bit drastic. At least I can use the Hermes spam filter
to identify most of them
I don't seem to be getting as much as you report, and Antispam catches
most of it - only 2 pieces actually downloaded this week!
You, and many others, are a lot more clever than I am! I tried
AntiSpam quite a long time ago, and could never make it do anything
useful. :-(
I've not been getting much spam at all, but I'm using Antispam too.

I write as someone who's never managed to get Pluto working, but as I
recall Antispam was a doddle - perhaps because I'm using Posty.

This was back in late 2004, when Steven Pampling advised us to look at
Rosemary's web pages for a little config utility to use AntiSpam.

Apparently she'll help if you offer her chocolate eclairs. :)

Tennant Stuart
____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) @orpheus.co.uk & MCR
Colin Matthews
2010-07-29 18:26:11 UTC
Post by Ben Crick
Richard said that once my email address is known to the Spambot
harvesters, the only cure is to change my email address.
So this is what I shall most likely have to do.
Very late in on this, but the ratio of spam to mail for me has been
consistently about 3/1 for some time now, and particularly dire today;
but perhaps not so bad as it's spread across the 3 email addresses I
regularly use. I don't fancy changing all of them!

f r o m C o l i n M a t t h e w s
Dr Peter Young
2010-07-30 06:41:36 UTC
Post by Colin Matthews
Post by Ben Crick
Richard said that once my email address is known to the Spambot
harvesters, the only cure is to change my email address.
So this is what I shall most likely have to do.
Very late in on this, but the ratio of spam to mail for me has been
consistently about 3/1 for some time now, and particularly dire today;
but perhaps not so bad as it's spread across the 3 email addresses I
regularly use. I don't fancy changing all of them!
Yes, having to change only one address is daunting enough.

However, only 10 spam this morning, so perhaps things are improving a

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Lu \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Alan Griffin
2010-08-02 21:33:09 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
However, only 10 spam this morning, so perhaps things are improving a
Well, a month ago I was getting 70 a day, and in the last two days it
has been down to 20 which is a considerable improvement!

Alan Griffin
Bill (Adopt)
2010-08-03 11:34:44 UTC
Post by Alan Griffin
Post by Dr Peter Young
However, only 10 spam this morning, so perhaps things are improving a
Well, a month ago I was getting 70 a day, and in the last two days it
has been down to 20 which is a considerable improvement!
Alan Griffin
A general thought, perhaps.. :))

The funny thing about 'spam' is that 'it' doesn't really
need an 'address' to procreate. All the usual convoluted
attempts to hide an 'address' frequently lead to nothing
- the 'spammer' (a robot?) will probably find you again,
in a matter of nanoseconds!

Our late friend Paul (RIP) chatted about this once, not
too long a time ago. It would appear that some machines,
(98.5pc likely a Windows PC), with whom an Orpheus
subscriber is in contact will probably have had a viral
reader or something that has attached to their mailbox
address list. If this is left unchecked, then a whole
series of uce will spew forth, attaching to any address.

Clearly, apart from advising your friend/contact that they
may have something suspect attaching to their mail addresses
if you suspect this is the case, then the first (or next)
step is to email (I think) Richard and ask that Orpheus
remove this junk as far as it can.

Then there's the obvious personal methods of Anti-Spam or
other filters as appropriate mentioned here - and yes,
Prof Rosemary is an excellent source of knowledgeable support.

However, if you're receiving many hundreds a day - there
have been times when that has briefly happened to an
Orpheus customer, Steve and myself being two examples -
one method of 'control' would be to access your WebMail
before downloading email, select all the junk and then
remove the same with one fell, satisfying, 'click'..
..followed by a big smile.. ;))

..but still don't forget to immediately involve Richard at
Orpheus so that he and his SysAdmin can adjust the systems
on your behalf, a job that they do continually, 24/7, anyway..

Other than that - and those occasional open links on your
friends/contacts machines of which they are unaware and
which spew hundreds - don't fret about low spam/uce/whatever
counts. You can expect a number virtually every day. Just
delete and forget - they're all usually only too obvious anyway.
Whatever you do, don't bother 'opening' them.

Remember, "Curiosity killed the FAT"!

What happens if you delete something that on later reflection
you perhaps suspect you should not have deleted?

Don't worry; most everybody has the same problem, will guess
what you've done - and will be in touch again - sometimes
with a more obviously personal email subject header that you
can't possibly misinterpret - well, mostly if you're not me! ;p))

Not a complete answer, (t'will never be) - but hope helps!


Bill ZFC
Adoption InterLink UK with -=- http://www.billsimpson.com/
Domain Host Orpheus Internet -=- http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/