Orpheus announcement
(too old to reply)
Paul Vigay
2007-07-18 15:05:38 UTC
I've just configured news.vigay.com to act as a primary news server, from
which the Orpheus newsserver can download locally managed newsgroups. This
has all been horribly complex because INN (InterNetNews) is a bit of a
dinosaur to configure correctly.

However, if all has worked according to plan - and I can't easily test it
from here because I'm connecting from *inside* my firewall and local
network, then I should have setup some local newsgroups which all Orpheus
subscribers should be able to subscribe to. These will only be available to
Orpheus subscribers so should provide some customizable local newsgroups
for people - and these will be independent of any 'outside' effects, so
/should/ always be available. :-)

Initially, I've created (assuming everything has worked) the following:

orpheus.announce (moderated)

If things work ok, I can create some others if people are interested.

Usenet replies: To contact me, visit www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - www.vigay.com/
Share and discuss ideas or chat about the above - http://forum.vigay.com/
Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
Dr Peter Young
2007-07-18 16:11:44 UTC
On 18 Jul 2007 Paul Vigay
Post by Paul Vigay
I've just configured news.vigay.com to act as a primary news server, from
which the Orpheus newsserver can download locally managed newsgroups. This
has all been horribly complex because INN (InterNetNews) is a bit of a
dinosaur to configure correctly.
However, if all has worked according to plan - and I can't easily test it
from here because I'm connecting from *inside* my firewall and local
network, then I should have setup some local newsgroups which all Orpheus
subscribers should be able to subscribe to. These will only be available to
Orpheus subscribers so should provide some customizable local newsgroups
for people - and these will be independent of any 'outside' effects, so
/should/ always be available. :-)
orpheus.announce (moderated)
If things work ok, I can create some others if people are interested.
This sounds excellent, and well done again, Paul. Now, can we please
have some idiots' guide to how to set up NewsHound to fetch from
news.vigay.com as well as from the Orpheus server? I for one find
NewsHound's configuration, and its Help file, difficult to get my head
round. I have a vague idea of how to do it, but I can't remember the

With best wishes,

Peter \ / zfc Er \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk.
Dr Peter Young
2007-07-18 16:21:50 UTC
On 18 Jul 2007 Dr Peter Young <***@ormail.co.uk> wrote:

[snip Paul's announcement]
Post by Dr Peter Young
This sounds excellent, and well done again, Paul. Now, can we please
have some idiots' guide to how to set up NewsHound to fetch from
news.vigay.com as well as from the Orpheus server? I for one find
NewsHound's configuration, and its Help file, difficult to get my head
round. I have a vague idea of how to do it, but I can't remember the
Oh, and do we have to register with Paul to get these groups, or does
it happen automatically?

I've cobbled together a config file from what I remember of
NewsHound's configuration, but when it gets to news.vigay.com I get
"You have no permission to talk; goodbye". :-(

Also, FWIW:

*ping news.vigay.com
PING home.vigay.com ( 56 data bytes

--- home.vigay.com ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

With best wishes,

Peter \ / \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \ / __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk.
Paul Vigay
2007-07-18 16:31:24 UTC
Oh, and do we have to register with Paul to get these groups, or does it
happen automatically?
Completely automatically and invisibly to the user - see my previous reply.
I've cobbled together a config file from what I remember of NewsHound's
configuration, but when it gets to news.vigay.com I get "You have no
permission to talk; goodbye". :-(
Nope. Just continue to subscribe to news.orpheusnet.co.uk
*ping news.vigay.com
PING home.vigay.com ( 56 data bytes
--- home.vigay.com ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
news.vigay.com is my personal server so it runs in uber-paranoid mode,
therefore it's completely stealthed - so will be invisible to ping! :-)
However, I've configured a direct link between news.vigay.com and
news.orpheusnet.co.uk so that they can talk privately to each other, and
users just continue to connect to news.orpheusnet.co.uk - everything else
is done behind the scenes.
Usenet replies: To contact me, visit www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - www.vigay.com/
Share and discuss ideas or chat about the above - http://forum.vigay.com/
Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
Paul Vigay
2007-07-18 16:29:03 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
This sounds excellent, and well done again, Paul. Now, can we please
have some idiots' guide to how to set up NewsHound to fetch from
news.vigay.com as well as from the Orpheus server? I for one find
NewsHound's configuration, and its Help file, difficult to get my head
round. I have a vague idea of how to do it, but I can't remember the
Ahhh. Even easier than that. I've peered the Orpheus news server directly
off news.vigay.com so you don't need to do anything. You continue
downloading news from news.orpheusnet.co.uk and all the new newsgroups
should be available immediately.

All you need to do is continue connecting to news.orpheusnet.co.uk and just
add the new newsgroups as you would subscribe to any other newsgroup.

I've configured it so that everything is invisible to the user, and
news.orpheusnet.co.uk will sort everything out itself. :-)

Usenet replies: To contact me, visit www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - www.vigay.com/
Share and discuss ideas or chat about the above - http://forum.vigay.com/
Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
Dr Peter Young
2007-07-18 16:39:17 UTC
On 18 Jul 2007 Paul Vigay
Post by Paul Vigay
Post by Dr Peter Young
This sounds excellent, and well done again, Paul. Now, can we please
have some idiots' guide to how to set up NewsHound to fetch from
news.vigay.com as well as from the Orpheus server? I for one find
NewsHound's configuration, and its Help file, difficult to get my head
round. I have a vague idea of how to do it, but I can't remember the
Ahhh. Even easier than that. I've peered the Orpheus news server directly
off news.vigay.com so you don't need to do anything. You continue
downloading news from news.orpheusnet.co.uk and all the new newsgroups
should be available immediately.
All you need to do is continue connecting to news.orpheusnet.co.uk and just
add the new newsgroups as you would subscribe to any other newsgroup.
I've configured it so that everything is invisible to the user, and
news.orpheusnet.co.uk will sort everything out itself. :-)
Fiendishly clever, and many thanks once again. Now up and running!

With best wishes,

Peter \ / zfc Er \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk.
Rosemary Miskin
2007-07-19 17:51:55 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
All you need to do is continue connecting to news.orpheusnet.co.uk and
just add the new newsgroups as you would subscribe to any other newsgroup.
I've done that, but the news fetcher 'hangs' part way through fetching the
number of new articles. If I quit it, and unsubscribe to the Orpheus groups,
the same number of new articles are fetched correctly.

How long should it take to find the new groups? - I've left it several
minutes before giving up, which gets expensive!

Note: the new groups are the last in my list, except for u.m.r.a which is
temporarily unavailable :(((

Rosemary Miskin ZFC Nd ***@orpheusmail.co.uk
Loughborough, UK http://miskin.orpheusweb.co.uk
Tennant Stuart
2007-07-18 23:23:16 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
orpheus.announce (moderated)
Should we now unsubscribe from:

Post by Paul Vigay
If things work ok, I can create some others if people are interested.
That won't get us our favourite Alt and UK groups though will it?

Tennant Stuart
____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) @orpheus.co.uk & MCR
Bill (Adopt)
2007-07-19 04:33:42 UTC
Post by Tennant Stuart
Post by Paul Vigay
orpheus.announce (moderated)
I wouldn't. The argonet groups are still Usenet groups
and available to a wide audience around the world and far
beyond our limited horizon.

The news.announce.newusers is a wholly different matter.
This group belongs to Usenet and certainly has nothing
whatsoever to do with Orpheus. It belongs to /all/ the
IPs, backbone providers and every single one of we, the
great unwashed worldwide multitude.
Post by Tennant Stuart
Post by Paul Vigay
If things work ok, I can create some others if people are interested.
That won't get us our favourite Alt and UK groups though will it?
Clearly not. They are Paul's private versions of a
newsgroup type 'mail-list'.. and will not be available
around the world as part of Usenet.. unless, of course,
he's also managed to fudge that! (I wouldn't put it
past him).. ;))

Whether or not these private Orpheus groups will ever
get to be part of the wider scene - as indeed are the
still active argonet.* heirarchy, Paul (or the Almighty
if there's a difference) only knows!

Please remember there are a large number of minimal cost
and free to use news servers across the globe. These
range from public funded operations to Universities and
various other interested parties.

Google will let you know of many such servers. Signing
up is not onerous - often only a couple of free minutes.

Some servers will provide the whole range of newsgroups,
(such as Giganews, Terranews and Independent.net??_) -
or the free servers such as "news.aieo.net" and so on
which will provide - for personal 'light' use - most of
the 100000 or so Usenet groups that are available.

Some servers may provide a slightly limited selection of
groups - another server another selection ..and so on.

Chika can advise about this.

Either way - what Paul's offering is valuable for what
it is, a service by which Orpheus customers can talk to
each other - without outside interference.

As I've said, however, to continue as normal, use either
the outside main servers, free servers etc, (or argonet.*.*,
perhaps even from an outside server if it becomes neccessary).

Using these servers should not increase any load upon Orpheus..
and will help whilst Paul establishes full control over his
server and the idiots attempting to knacker it for everybody...

Bill ZFC
Adoption InterLink UK with -=- http://www.billsimpson.com/
Domain Host Orpheus Internet -=- http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
Paul Vigay
2007-07-19 06:13:57 UTC
Post by Tennant Stuart
Not necessarily. The new newsgroups are in addition to existing newsgroups.
Post by Tennant Stuart
That won't get us our favourite Alt and UK groups though will it?
No. Those will return when the bandwidth gets down to a more manageable
level at the end of the month. In the meantime I'm trying to trim down the
list so that we don't lose *all* external newsgroups.
Usenet replies: To contact me, visit www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - www.vigay.com/
Share and discuss ideas or chat about the above - http://forum.vigay.com/
Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/