English language
(too old to reply)
Chris Lesurf
2007-09-21 13:20:15 UTC
Dear Ms Boylan,
I was about to send an e-mail to 'feedback' when I came
across your address. As my point applies all aspects of the BBC, please
take my comments to everyone who is involved in such things, viz:

1. 50yrs ago there was a concept of 'BBC English' which had the
correct use of
a) language,

b) punctuation

and c) pronunciation

Nowadays, there is massive use of what I call 'Londonese'. This involves

i) incorrect usage of English language

such as 'a majority of it'

'more unique'

'less numbers'

ii) Spelling 'belonging to it' with 'it's'. That may seem
simple logic because the possessive form of nearly
everything else is with the possessive apostrophe
between the item and its 's'. However, the possessive
versions of 'he' (his) and 'she' (hers) prove it.

ii) slovenly pronunciation : leaving off aitches at the
beginning of words, condensing words into one another
and blunting 't's between words (e.g. dunno and wanna)

One of the other troubles with modern English is that many people
use the computer language having been set up by the multi-million firm,
Microsoft. This includes word-spell checks which refer to standards set by
people in the U.S. and so their spelling will not all be identical to

With thanks for your consideration,

Chris Lesurf (Ms)

20, Priestden Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 8DW

'dunno', 'wanna')
Dave Plowman (News)
2007-09-22 08:21:39 UTC
In article <***@orpheusnet.co.uk>,
Chris Lesurf <***@orpheusmail.co.uk> wrote:

The first example of an email inadvertently sent to a newsgroup by Pluto?
And from such an auspicious household? ;-)
*The most common name in the world is Mohammed *

Dave Plowman ***@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
Mr John FO Evans
2007-09-22 11:14:07 UTC
I read your notes on the use of English with great interest (even if it was
a strange posting - can we find a proper home for this?).

As a slightly deaf person I suffer from misuse of the language because it
makes interpretation of poor presentation much harder.

But I also suffer from simple things which a sensible course of elocution
would fix eg:-

Excess speed
Poorly formed words - eg dropped volume at start and/or end

I am not asking for the old 'Oxford English' - just clarity of expression
and delivery.

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