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Ben Crick
2007-06-21 17:11:47 UTC
Last Tuesday evening I went out to the Sea Cadets' parade night
without unplugging my modem from the phone line.

No sooner had I got there, the sky went black with clouds and rain,
and then lit up with continuous flashes of lightning and continuous
crashes of heavy thunder.

Three hours later, I drove home as the rain and thunder let up.
There was a deep watersplash closing the A28 100 yds from my
home, so I had to leave the car in the Church carpark and walk
the last bit. We had 2" of rain in 2 hours. The road remained
closed all night before the flood subsided. Dover area had over 4"
of rain in the same period.

When I tried to get online, the modem was half dead. It would
connect, but not download. So in the morning I phoned Chris
at CJEMicros. This morning the courier arrived with the new
modem and a surge-proteced power supply and telephone socket.
Thanks, Chris!

An expensive lesson in the School of Experience...

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Revd Ben Crick BA CF <***@NOSPAM.argonet.co.uk> ZFC W
232 Canterbury Road, Birchington on sea, Kent CT7 9TD (UK)
Acorn RPC700 Kinetic RO4.03 and Castle Iyonix X100 RO 5.06 Ethernet
* Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it.
Dave Plowman (News)
2007-06-21 17:16:19 UTC
Post by Ben Crick
When I tried to get online, the modem was half dead. It would
connect, but not download. So in the morning I phoned Chris
at CJEMicros. This morning the courier arrived with the new
modem and a surge-proteced power supply and telephone socket.
Neither of these will protect from a direct lightening strike to the line,
*If horrific means to make horrible, does terrific mean to make terrible?

Dave Plowman ***@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.