Word files forshortened by !Posty
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Mr John FO Evans
2008-10-05 09:57:12 UTC
I am finding that some Word (.doc) files are forshortened when copied from
!Posty into RISC OS. A workaround is to extract the files from the menu and
then use !Attacher to decode them.

The forshotened files seem to end with:-

Any Ideas?
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Bill (Adopt)
2008-10-05 11:06:50 UTC
Post by Mr John FO Evans
I am finding that some Word (.doc) files are forshortened when copied from
!Posty into RISC OS. A workaround is to extract the files from the menu and
then use !Attacher to decode them.
The forshotened files seem to end with:-
Any Ideas?
Failing somebody with better knowledge turning up,
the "0d" usually means an 'end-of-line' marker, ie
the end of each line hasn't been auto-added - which
we tend to do in all RISC OS software..

It's just a slight mismatch between your poster's
machine handling and your own.

If !Attacher works, then use it. There may have been
another proggie somewhere which would convert these
"0d's" for you although I wonder - been using !Pluto
for a long while now - if the conversion is not a
selectable option within !Posty? You'll be able to
find it if it is..

Failing that, use !Edit, !Zap or any text editor to
convert or get rid of spare "0d's"..


Bill ZFC
Adoption InterLink UK with -=- http://www.billsimpson.com/
Domain Host Orpheus Internet -=- http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
2008-10-05 11:35:50 UTC
Post by Mr John FO Evans
The forshotened files seem to end with:-
Any Ideas?
Junk !Posty in favour of something newer and less temperamental?
Stuart Winsor

For Barn dances and folk evenings in the Coventry and Warwickshire area
See: http://www.barndance.org.uk
Dr J E Hurley
2008-10-06 09:16:41 UTC
Post by Mr John FO Evans
The forshotened files seem to end with:-
Any Ideas?
We have !TextPort and !TextThing which both perform different adjustments to
MS type files to make them more legible, but we use !Attacher quite
frequently to extract Word etc documents which do not appear in !Posty.

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