Spam continues
(too old to reply)
Adrian Crafer
2007-11-27 15:41:28 UTC
As has been noted by other the level of spam has been greatly
increased over the past few days. From my analysis I can also confirm
that the 'gan' is the only server putting spam assasin headers on
emails, all other servers are not doing so. All servers are putting in
the grey/white list headers.

Adrian Crafer
Adrian Crafer
2007-11-30 07:17:22 UTC
Post by Adrian Crafer
As has been noted by other the level of spam has been greatly
increased over the past few days. From my analysis I can also confirm
that the 'gan' is the only server putting spam assasin headers on
emails, all other servers are not doing so. All servers are putting in
the grey/white list headers.
Adrian Crafer
Any chance of an update on this Paul as nothing has changed with this
mornings email down load, with 'gan' still being the only one
apparently dealing with spam correctly except for the grey/white bit.

Adrian Crafer
Dr J E Hurley
2007-11-30 08:58:22 UTC
Post by Adrian Crafer
Any chance of an update on this Paul as nothing has changed with this
mornings email down load, with 'gan' still being the only one
apparently dealing with spam correctly except for the grey/white bit.
Adrian Crafer
One e-mail and 17 spams this morning. The number of e-mails that are not
legal businesso business advertisements outnumbers all others
comprehensively. I look forward to a speedy conclusion to this.
Publications, research and development for education
Dr Peter Young
2007-11-30 15:01:06 UTC
Post by Adrian Crafer
As has been noted by other the level of spam has been greatly
increased over the past few days. From my analysis I can also confirm
that the 'gan' is the only server putting spam assasin headers on
emails, all other servers are not doing so. All servers are putting in
the grey/white list headers.
Echoed from here. I've been logging messages since 0800 in 27/11/2007,
and the figures are:

Total messages 200
Spam total 85
Only "greylist" header 60

It seemed to get a bit better in the 24h from 0800 yesterday:

Total messages 129
Spam total 38
Only "greylist" header 23

but still not ideal by a long way, and nothing like to what we have
been used to. I haven't been logging which servers are involved,

Any comment?

With best wishes,

Peter \ / zfc Er \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk.
Dr Peter Young
2007-11-30 22:08:29 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
Post by Adrian Crafer
As has been noted by other the level of spam has been greatly
increased over the past few days. From my analysis I can also confirm
that the 'gan' is the only server putting spam assasin headers on
emails, all other servers are not doing so. All servers are putting in
the grey/white list headers.
Echoed from here. I've been logging messages since 0800 in 27/11/2007,
Total messages 200
Spam total 85
Only "greylist" header 60
Sorry, I forgot to update the Fireworkz file. The correct totals, as
of now, are:

Total messages 368
Spam total 124
Only "greylist" header 97, i.e 78.2% of the spam getting

Paul, I know you have the show to deal with, but any idea of what is
happening would be much appreciated. As I have said, the worry is
that, since the greylist headers started appearing, the amount of spam
has increased. I know it's a never-ending battle, but ...

With best wishes,

Peter \ / zfc Er \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk.
Tennant Stuart
2007-12-01 18:02:00 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
I know it's a never-ending battle, but ...
Is it though? The spammers have not found new ways of inviting me
to have my breasts enlarged, cure my erection problems, or supply
details of my bank accounts - yet these old spams still arrive.

Tennant Stuart
____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) @orpheus.co.uk & MCR