Orpheus mail down?
(too old to reply)
Dr Peter Young
2009-06-28 15:28:53 UTC
I can't collect mail from Orpheus for the last hour or so; sending is
OK. Also, Orpheus websites are down, including the status page,
except, oddly enough, Webmail, but this won't let me log in. News is
fine, so far at any rate.

Anyone know what's happening?

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Tm \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Dr Peter Young
2009-06-28 15:47:28 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
I can't collect mail from Orpheus for the last hour or so; sending is
OK. Also, Orpheus websites are down, including the status page,
except, oddly enough, Webmail, but this won't let me log in. News is
fine, so far at any rate.
Anyone know what's happening?
It just came back again, and now it's down once more. At least
something's happening!

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Tm \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Steve Clark
2009-06-28 15:47:55 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
I can't collect mail from Orpheus for the last hour or so; sending is
OK. Also, Orpheus websites are down, including the status page,
except, oddly enough, Webmail, but this won't let me log in. News is
fine, so far at any rate.
Anyone know what's happening?
Webmail's just gone down,but I've still got Internet other than Orpheus.
Steve Clark

{***@ormail.co.uk using a 129Mb SA 6.14 RiscPC}
Dr Peter Young
2009-06-28 16:23:26 UTC
Post by Steve Clark
Post by Dr Peter Young
I can't collect mail from Orpheus for the last hour or so; sending is
OK. Also, Orpheus websites are down, including the status page,
except, oddly enough, Webmail, but this won't let me log in. News is
fine, so far at any rate.
Anyone know what's happening?
Webmail's just gone down,but I've still got Internet other than Orpheus.
Mail was up and down like a w****'s d*****s for a while, but now seems
to be on an even keel again. Webmail working OK when I just tried, but
all other Orpheus sites are down. Maybe it's the relocation of the
servers that has been mentioned?

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Tm \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Dr Peter Young
2009-06-29 06:55:23 UTC
[Posted and mailed]
Post by Dr Peter Young
Post by Steve Clark
Post by Dr Peter Young
I can't collect mail from Orpheus for the last hour or so; sending is
OK. Also, Orpheus websites are down, including the status page,
except, oddly enough, Webmail, but this won't let me log in. News is
fine, so far at any rate.
Anyone know what's happening?
Webmail's just gone down,but I've still got Internet other than Orpheus.
Mail was up and down like a w****'s d*****s for a while, but now seems
to be on an even keel again. Webmail working OK when I just tried, but
all other Orpheus sites are down. Maybe it's the relocation of the
servers that has been mentioned?
All back to normal now, and there's an explanatory message on the
status page; many thanks, Dan (message copied to him). It looks as if
he had his Sunday spoiled!

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Tm \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Adrian Crafer
2009-06-29 07:35:22 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
[Posted and mailed]
Post by Dr Peter Young
Post by Steve Clark
Post by Dr Peter Young
I can't collect mail from Orpheus for the last hour or so; sending is
OK. Also, Orpheus websites are down, including the status page,
except, oddly enough, Webmail, but this won't let me log in. News is
fine, so far at any rate.
Anyone know what's happening?
Webmail's just gone down,but I've still got Internet other than Orpheus.
Mail was up and down like a w****'s d*****s for a while, but now seems
to be on an even keel again. Webmail working OK when I just tried, but
all other Orpheus sites are down. Maybe it's the relocation of the
servers that has been mentioned?
All back to normal now, and there's an explanatory message on the
status page; many thanks, Dan (message copied to him). It looks as if
he had his Sunday spoiled!
Orpheus news groups are still down. orpheus.announce; orpheus.support;
orpheus.zfc; orpheus.riscos.apps and orpheus.riscos.misc are the ones
I subscribe to, not sure which are down as the error messages
overwrite each other but they are definitely a number not working,
possibly 3 the last one being support. Though that I think reflects
the order they are in the 'Dun server'.

Maybe Dan could be advised. If I remember correctly these resided on
an Orpheus server and were for subscribers only.

Adrian Crafer
Dr Peter Young
2009-06-29 08:56:24 UTC
On 29 Jun 2009 Adrian Crafer <***@orpheusmail.co.uk> wrote:

Post by Adrian Crafer
Orpheus news groups are still down. orpheus.announce; orpheus.support;
orpheus.zfc; orpheus.riscos.apps and orpheus.riscos.misc are the ones
I subscribe to, not sure which are down as the error messages
overwrite each other but they are definitely a number not working,
possibly 3 the last one being support. Though that I think reflects
the order they are in the 'Dun server'.
Maybe Dan could be advised. If I remember correctly these resided on
an Orpheus server and were for subscribers only.
They are (were?) certainly closed groups for Orpheus subscribers only,
and they went down soon after the tragedy. I imagine that they were
hosted on one of Paul's machines, or one to which he alone had access.
In view of his known opinions about security, I doubt if anyone else
will have access to this machine. In any case, they were very
low-traffic groups, and, indeed, the one that might have been most
useful, the support one, never seems to have had any posts.

Why not ask Dan at ***@orpheusinternet.co.uk ? I doubt if he reads
this group.

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Tm \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk
Dr Peter Young
2009-06-29 12:56:44 UTC
Post by Adrian Crafer
Orpheus news groups are still down. orpheus.announce; orpheus.support;
orpheus.zfc; orpheus.riscos.apps and orpheus.riscos.misc are the ones
I subscribe to, not sure which are down as the error messages
overwrite each other but they are definitely a number not working,
possibly 3 the last one being support. Though that I think reflects
the order they are in the 'Dun server'.
Maybe Dan could be advised. If I remember correctly these resided on
an Orpheus server and were for subscribers only.
They are (were?) certainly closed groups for Orpheus subscribers only,
and they went down soon after the tragedy. I imagine that they were
hosted on one of Paul's machines, or one to which he alone had access.
In view of his known opinions about security, I doubt if anyone else
will have access to this machine. In any case, they were very
low-traffic groups, and, indeed, the one that might have been most
useful, the support one, never seems to have had any posts.
The fetch errors only appeared after the servers went down yesterday.
Maybe a result of a Paul idiosyncratic set up.

As has been pointed out elsewhere www.riscos.org is also down.

Adrian Crafer
2009-06-29 14:02:41 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
The fetch errors only appeared after the servers went down yesterday.
Maybe a result of a Paul idiosyncratic set up.
As has been pointed out elsewhere www.riscos.org is also down.
I guess nobody paid the bill :-(
Alan Griffin
2009-06-28 21:31:03 UTC
Post by Dr Peter Young
I can't collect mail from Orpheus for the last hour or so; sending is
OK. Also, Orpheus websites are down, including the status page,
except, oddly enough, Webmail, but this won't let me log in. News is
fine, so far at any rate.
I've had a problem with Webmail recently.
I always used to be able to access it from my RISC PC using Orpheus.

I can still access it with my laptop, but when I try to access it from
the RISC PC, I put in my user name and password, and then get a page
saying: ERROR. You must be logged in to access this page. Go to the
login page.

This is not very helpful.
I e-mailed Orpheus Support about it some time ago, but have had no

Alan Griffin
John Gray
2009-06-29 11:11:11 UTC
I had a similar experience. I couldn't send or receive emails for a couple
of hours but was able to visit sites other that orpheus. Then everything
started to work normally again!


John G
Post by Dr Peter Young
I can't collect mail from Orpheus for the last hour or so; sending is
OK. Also, Orpheus websites are down, including the status page,
except, oddly enough, Webmail, but this won't let me log in. News is
fine, so far at any rate.
Anyone know what's happening?
With best wishes,
Peter, \ / zfc Tm \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
Dr Peter Young
2009-07-03 13:31:37 UTC
Post by John Gray
I had a similar experience. I couldn't send or receive emails for a couple
of hours but was able to visit sites other that orpheus. Then everything
started to work normally again!
John G
All working OK today, but news was down yesterday. Here's what I
posted yesterday, via aioe, to c.s.a.misc:


I sent a message to support, and within half an hour I had a phone
call from Richard, the new front-man at Orpheus Towers. It seems that
it's all due to the obscure way that Paul had set up the news
facility, some on one server and some on another; it's being quite a
job to unscramble this, and one result is that the server(s) is/are
inaccessible at the moment. He's working on it, and I think we just
need to be patient.

It also seems, with this quick and personal response, that all will be
well at Orpheus. He also says that Pauls paperwork is a touch chaotic,
and he's intending to contact all customers in due course, to check
that they are getting what they think they are.


We have been living in rather interesting times, but it seems as if
it's all beginning to settle down.

With best wishes,

Peter, \ / zfc Tm \ Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52
Anne \/ __ __ \ England.
and / / \ | | |\ | / _ \ http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
family / \__/ \_/ | \| \__/ \______________ ***@ormail.co.uk