Download difficulties
(too old to reply)
Dr J E Hurley
2009-03-18 08:59:54 UTC
For the last two days I have experienced problems downloading news. Download
has been successful on one occasion in that period. I am seeing if I can
send news. Is anyone else experiencing problems - the status information all
seems to suggest things are ok.

Publications, research and development for education
2009-03-18 12:25:12 UTC
Post by Dr J E Hurley
For the last two days I have experienced problems downloading news.
Download has been successful on one occasion in that period. I am seeing
if I can send news. Is anyone else experiencing problems - the status
information all seems to suggest things are ok.
See threads in argonet.acorn.misc and elsewhere
Tennant Stuart
2009-03-19 00:43:07 UTC
Post by Stuart
Post by Dr J E Hurley
For the last two days I have experienced problems downloading news.
Download has been successful on one occasion in that period. I am seeing
if I can send news. Is anyone else experiencing problems - the status
information all seems to suggest things are ok.
I've had the same thing - the little counter box says how many posts
will arrive, then nothing does. Until earlier this evening, when a few
dozen posts came. There must be many hundreds missing.
Post by Stuart
See threads in argonet.acorn.misc and elsewhere
What's this then? The poor relation?

Tennant Stuart
____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) @orpheus.co.uk & MCR
Bill (Adopt)
2009-03-19 09:11:05 UTC
Post by Tennant Stuart
Post by Stuart
Post by Dr J E Hurley
For the last two days I have experienced problems downloading news.
Download has been successful on one occasion in that period. I am seeing
if I can send news. Is anyone else experiencing problems - the status
information all seems to suggest things are ok.
I've had the same thing - the little counter box says how many posts
will arrive, then nothing does. Until earlier this evening, when a few
dozen posts came. There must be many hundreds missing.
I think the Status page(s) might not be fully
reflective of everything that's happening at
the moment.

The problem you outline above - where articles
appear as listed but apparently don't arrive -
doesn't mean that anything is in fact missing.

It is usually indicative of a server - or in
our case a block of servers - being switched
out to another block whilst they are physically
moved from one location to another.

You will all understand - I hope by now - why
this might be.

In essence..

What happens is that the article numbers - which
your reader holds and are updated every download
- may be different between one server unit and

Normally, working in unison, they are the same
numbers ..but when one is offline for a move or
somesuch, the numbers can become misaligned.

As indeed happens if you unsubscribe to a group
only to re-subscribe at a later date, when the
numbers then have to catch up..

You lose nothing ..it should all catch up once
servers are back on line again..

Email is a different matter - normally what occurs
here is the emails, outgoing and incomming, are
stored in a queue until such time as retrieval is
possible. They are not dumped, nor are they lost.
Post by Tennant Stuart
Post by Stuart
See threads in argonet.acorn.misc and elsewhere
What's this then? The poor relation?
No, Tennant - it isn't. :))

All that Stuart, (or was it Doc Pete) meant is that
there is presently an ongoing if gently reflective
discussion in argonet.acorn.misc...

Paul was only buried a day or two ago.

People, being mostly human, are grieving - each in
their own manner and time. Perhaps we all need to
give ourselves just a little 'space' while we
re-engage with the normality of life...

hh.. :))

Bill ZFC
Adoption InterLink UK with -=- http://www.billsimpson.com/
Domain Host Orpheus Internet -=- http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
Colin Matthews
2009-03-21 12:09:50 UTC
Post by Tennant Stuart
I've had the same thing - the little counter box says how many posts
will arrive, then nothing does. Until earlier this evening, when a few
dozen posts came. There must be many hundreds missing.
I think it must be overload - I got round this this by deselecting all
newsgroups in Pluto, and then adding them back one by one.
f r o m C o l i n M a t t h e w s
Tennant Stuart
2009-03-22 17:22:52 UTC
Post by Colin Matthews
Post by Tennant Stuart
I've had the same thing - the little counter box says how many posts
will arrive, then nothing does. Until earlier this evening, when a few
dozen posts came. There must be many hundreds missing.
I think it must be overload - I got round this this by deselecting all
newsgroups in Pluto, and then adding them back one by one.
I only have a few groups, most with little traffic. The reason there
must be many hundreds missing is that it's been going on for some time
now. And I know that "missing" doesn't mean "lost forever". If it was
just server blocks being switched then why is it still happening?

Tennant (who probably won't see any replies for days)
____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) @orpheus.co.uk & MCR
Bill (Adopt)
2009-03-22 20:15:30 UTC
Post by Tennant Stuart
Post by Colin Matthews
Post by Tennant Stuart
I've had the same thing - the little counter box says how many posts
will arrive, then nothing does. Until earlier this evening, when a few
dozen posts came. There must be many hundreds missing.
I think it must be overload - I got round this this by deselecting all
newsgroups in Pluto, and then adding them back one by one.
I only have a few groups, most with little traffic. The reason there
must be many hundreds missing is that it's been going on for some time
now. And I know that "missing" doesn't mean "lost forever". If it was
just server blocks being switched then why is it still happening?
As said earlier, although that earlier reply, (19 March)
might have yet to make it to you..

Our SysAdmin, as far as I know, is presently moving
servers from Canary Wharf to another location or two.
This will well explain what is happening to you ..I
have found some groups 'difficult' ..others quite
easy to access ..it depends where backup'd data is
is accessed and stored at any one time.

As servers - and the data they contain and continually
refresh - are a prime terrorist target, it's not just
a matter of a quick unplug and stick back in again at
the new location.

It becomes a heavy matter of security involving a
number of people ..let alone resetting, testing,
plugging up and all the rest of it.

Only a few days before the tragedy, Paul was musing
the possibility at some stage of moving everything
into a recently vacated nuclear bunker. Cone hats
of the silver foil variety optional. He was being
egged on by some well-known RISC OS names who have
their servers with Orpheus.. ;))

Anyway, it does mean that this, I guess, planned
move will take a little longer ..quite apart from
everyone feeling the dismal fact of no longer
having Paul around...
Post by Tennant Stuart
Tennant (who probably won't see any replies for days)
I hope you do! I'm sending this one now, this
evening, Sunday 22 March 2009 at or around 20h.00..

Let's hope it arrives sometime before Christmas.. :))

hh.. :))

Bill ZFC
Adoption InterLink UK with -=- http://www.billsimpson.com/
Domain Host Orpheus Internet -=- http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
Tennant Stuart
2009-03-31 22:04:08 UTC
Post by Bill (Adopt)
Post by Tennant Stuart
Post by Colin Matthews
Post by Tennant Stuart
I've had the same thing - the little counter box says how many posts
will arrive, then nothing does. Until earlier this evening, when a
few dozen posts came. There must be many hundreds missing.
I think it must be overload - I got round this this by deselecting all
newsgroups in Pluto, and then adding them back one by one.
I only have a few groups, most with little traffic. The reason there
must be many hundreds missing is that it's been going on for some time
now. And I know that "missing" doesn't mean "lost forever". If it was
just server blocks being switched then why is it still happening?
As said earlier, although that earlier reply, (19 March)
might have yet to make it to you..
Our SysAdmin, as far as I know, is presently moving servers from Canary
Wharf to another location or two. This will well explain what is
happening to you ..I have found some groups 'difficult' ..others quite
easy to access ..it depends where backup'd data is is accessed and
stored at any one time.
As servers - and the data they contain and continually refresh - are a
prime terrorist target, it's not just a matter of a quick unplug and
stick back in again at the new location.
It becomes a heavy matter of security involving a number of people ..let
alone resetting, testing, plugging up and all the rest of it.
Sorry, but I don't think that has got anything to do with the problem.
Post by Bill (Adopt)
Post by Tennant Stuart
Tennant (who probably won't see any replies for days)
I hope you do! I'm sending this one now, this
evening, Sunday 22 March 2009 at or around 20h.00..
Let's hope it arrives sometime before Christmas.. :))
It did! Only NINE DAYS since the last news came. :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

According to Ben Crick (in another thread), the thing to do is to untick
the Orpheus.*. newsgroups before going online to download any news.

I've unticked them, and am going to go on-line to test that now. If this
suggestion works, that would've been more useful advice 9 days ago.

____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) @orpheus.co.uk & MCR
Tennant Stuart
2009-04-01 10:41:03 UTC
Unticking Orpheus.* newsgroups has worked; news now downloads!!

Thanks again to Ben Crick, who explains the problem was caused by
the program hanging due to no response from the Orpheus server.

I've also removed Orpheus.* from crossposts to speed uploading.

So what's happened to the Orpheus server, then?

____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) @orpheus.co.uk & MCR